Areas of Expertise

Adolescent Depression

Teen years, and high school in particular, presents a time when independence, family, peers, school, and countless other factors all collide. It is common to experience irritability, conflict, mood swings, and overwhelming stress. We'll find the best combination of individual and/or family sessions to help you get back on track.

Depression in Adults

College students, emerging adults, and established adults all face their unique stressors. During times of increased stress, you may be experiencing sytmptoms for the first time. For others, this may be such a stressful time that underlying problems are exacerbated. Or you might have been struggling with chronic symptoms. Having worked with adults from each of those categories, we'll work togheter to find strategies to help improve your mood and functioning.

Family Sessions or Parenting

Most families are already doing their best with what they know how to do. Sometimes they need help figuring out what else they can do. Regardless of where your family falls on this continuum, we'll discuss how to get the whole family feeling better.